The Guidebooks I packed when getting ready.
My mom had to point out today that I can start counting down the days until I leave...but now it's starting to get crazy. So the countdown begins...90 days and counting...I have my itinerary ready to go. I leave September 6 and arrive in Barcelona September 7. I will be back just in time for Christmas. Classes end December 22 and I will be back just before Christmas on the 23rd. The way back sounds fun though....a 12 hour layover in London (2 days before Christmas) and another layover in Chicago. I'm hoping that I won't get stuck anywhere!
In the meantime, I'm prepping. I have a 63 page checklist that I'm almost done reading for the first time. Other than a real portfolio to finish for graduate schools, I just have a 100 little things to do. That and attempting to read Harry Potter in Spanish. We'll see. It is my only topic of conversation.
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